
Product Line:
Buttons from Holland
People do wear graphic statements on themselves all the time, on T-shirts, caps, or even tatoos. This design, especially created for a product such as small buttons had to be simple and clear. Placed on clothes, those mini pieces are made to be in movement. Mostly seen in the street. Their message have to be quickly recognizable. We took here the opportunity to create a collection of eight original little icons, trying to imagine which people are going to wear them. The common link is our typeface "H-AND-S". Using different shapes of stars and various colors, we choose for that particular collection some hand signs that are symbolizing different believes, ideals and engagements. From the convinced militant to the anti-war activist, from the happy new age dreamer to the angry campaigner, from the fervent believer to the confident optimist, we hope that those signs will find place in the multi-cultural community. Open your eyes, one of those day, you might cross one of them ! You can also order the set of seven pieces, so that you can be ready to wear one each day of the week according to your mood.